My Story

It's not an exaggeration to say that life coaching changed my life. I discovered coaching at the age of 20 when I thought I had exhausted all of my options for help, and it is what inspired me to become a coach myself. Since working with my own coaches, I've learnt the importance of honouring and feeling all of my emotions, healing past experiences, and loving myself for all that I am. This is what I now guide my clients to because self love really is the key to life! 

Coming from a non-traditional family dynamic where I wasn't raised by either of my parents, it wasn't until I embarked on my healing journey that I realised how much of an impact it had on my adult life. I was lucky enough to grow up in the care of other family members, however when I was 18 my family went through a breakdown and I left my home with nowhere else to go. Having just finished school, I had little money and no direction, other than a dream to travel the world. A dream that felt completely out of reach. I slept on a friend's sofa while I got a job and found a place to live. The next two years saw me in the lowest point of my life. I was living in survival mode (just!), struggling with extremely low confidence and self worth, and binge eating to numb my emotions. It was then that my friend booked me a session with her life coach. I had no idea what a life coach was, let alone what to expect but I was desperate to feel better and willing to try anything.

In my first session, my life coach looked me in the eye and said "Of course you feel the way you feel, why wouldn't you after what you've been through?" It was in that moment that I realised all of my emotions were valid and my healing process began.

​After doing regular sessions, there were some big changes in my life. I mended some fractured family relationships, made better connections and formed some life long friendships. Having never been in a romantic relationship (and always thinking I didn't want or deserve one!), I met my amazing partner. This year we will be celebrating six years together! In 2018 we decided to pack up our lives and move from Australia to London to live out our shared dreams of travelling the world. I have now travelled to 30 countries and counting! 

​Life coaching changed my life and as someone who has been to rock bottom and back, I am here to help you change yours. Healing your past allows it to not define your future. It makes space for your dreams and desires to become your reality.